Saturday, February 23, 2008


In order to be properly prepared for this update, stretching is necessary, it's a heavy load.

The guys played a show for the first time in a long while on the 20th, and we've got a shitload of goodies for all the people who couldn't make it out. To check out a massive collection of show pictures accumulated by different photographers, head on over to our gallery here. For a bunch of band rehearsal pictures from the day before the show, there's here too.

And videos? I managed to piece together a little montage of some of the material they played for you guys to check out and then some. Go to the YouTube channel to take a peek. That not enough? I'm pretty certain there's other videos from the show that were uploaded by other people. Got any media, or a show review? Share it in the forum!

In other news, Evan did an exclusive acoustic performance of "Cheater Of The Year" for which I insist you check out.


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