Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Go to the show in Fairfax last night? Take pictures? Video? Well, we'd love it if you sent those over our way so we could throw them up in our gallery. Even if they're the most terrible quality - we want them. Send them all here with what name you'd like credited, and they will be humbly added. If you have any show photos from any past BLC performances in general, we'd love to have them and get your guy's stuff up on the site. Have a review of any of the shows? The forum would love to hear about what you thought.

Speaking of the site... the brand new, ACTUAL website will be launching very, VERY soon. I swear "soon" actually means soon. You'll like it.


Anonymous said...

The concert was awesome!! I loved it. I was wondering where I could buy your CD. I didn't know where else to post this... I just looked you guys up and found this so yea... where can I get your CD?

naomi3091 said...

Ahh yes, i was there in Fairfax. i was like "YAY, its EVAN!" i have some amazing pictures from that concert, and videos. i'll send some soon! :-)

rOxie said...

i was there !
you guys were great!and that whole concert was awesome...
where can i get your cd, is it out yet ?
come back to fairfax soon!

crayolas said...

I do not have anything on the spectacle but you can help me coming to mexico and this way to have these videoes not??
Come to mexico really they are very very good my I am charmed with his music they must come!!
In what it happens I take charge promoting a bit to the band a kiss children!! I love them..
Certainly the past version sounds better of the best years of our lives